Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nagasari tanpa daun pisang (Banana Rice Cake)

This is another Indonesia's traditional cake, and also one of my favorite. As we call with Nagasari and i give call Banana Rice Cake in English.

This cake should be wrap with banana leaf, but because i don't have any to keep right now, so i don't wrap it. But the taste still yummy and my husband love this cake ;-)

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : My family's recipe

What you need :

200 gr rice flour 
1 cup of water- or you can add more the water to make the dough dissolve and smooth
2 cup coconut milk
a pinch of salt 
4 tbsp sugar - you can adding as you wish 
4 pieces banana, steamed for another 1-2 minutes then peeled
casserole dish or baking pan or banana leaf 
1 stalk Pandan leaf

Note : 1 cup = 236.588237 ml
Pandan leaf is Pandanus Amaryllifolius leaves - Source Wikipedia

Make it :

English version
- In a bowl mix rice flour and water until smooth.
- In a pan, put coconut milk, sugar, salt and Pandan leaf under low heat until boiled.
- Pour mixed flour with water into boiled coconut milk, stirring occasionally until mix together under low heat and cooked in approx 20 min.
-Put a half of dough at casserole dish, then add banana on top of it.
- Then cover banana with left over dough.
- Use spoon to make flat.
- Steamed it in approx 20 min.
- Let it cool in 30 min, then cut in a piece then serve.

Indonesian version
1. Aduk tepung beras dan air 
2. Rebus dan aduk santan bersama garam, gula dan pandan. Tambahkan larutan tepung, aduk hingga mendidih dan meletup-letup.
3. Tuang 1/2 adonan ke dalam loyang. Masukkan dan atur pisang.
4. Kemudian masukkan adonan sisa. Ratakan adonan.
5. Kukus hingga matang lebih kurang 20 menit.

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time : 35 min

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