Monday, September 29, 2008

Baso Tahu Modifikasi

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

wonton wrapper - available at regular store like Saveway/Vons
50 gr Tofu, dice sliced or horizontal sliced then make a hole at the center to put the dough 
Steamed cabbage 
Hard Boiled Egg 
Boiled Potato

--Filled Ingredients:
100 gr chicken/mackerel, finely chopped 
100 gr shrimp, finely chopped
2 stalks green onion, sliced rings pieces
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 cloves shallots, minced
3 tbsp tapioca flour 
1 tsp sesame oil
salt and sugar for taste
ground white and black pepper
20 gr shreded carrot

-- Sauce Ingredients, mix together :
4 tbsp peanut butter or 100 gr peanut, finely grinded 
warm water
3 cloves garlic, minced 
salt and sugar for taste

-- Complements Ingredients:
Lemon Lime 
ABC's sweet soy sauce
Chili sauce - if you wish spicy taste 

Make it :

English version
- Combine and mix well filled ingredients into a bowl, then take dough then put into wonton wrapper or tofu. 
- For wonton wrapper, use water to make as a glue on corner of the wrapper.
- I made ball from the dough, so we have various.
- Steamed for another 20-25 minutes or until cook.
- For sauce : in a bowl, mix and combine together sauce ingredients and don't forget to taste.
- While serve, cut all ingredients into small pieces then add sauce and complements ingredients.
- Serve warm.

Indonesia version
- Campurkan bahan isi kedalam mangkuk, kemudian beri isian untuk tahu dan siomay.
- Untuk Siomay, pake air sebagai perekat sisi-2nya.
- Aku buat bola-2 bakso juga dari adonan, jd ada banyak variasi.
- Rebus selama 20-25 menit atau hingga matang.
- Untuk saus : campurkan semua bahan saus, cicipi.
- Untuk penyajian, potong kecil-2 semua bahan kemudian beri saus dan bahan pelengkap :-)
- Sajikan hangat.

Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons (20 pieces)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nasi Goreng Sosis ( Indonesia's Fried Rice with sausage )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

1 egg 
a sausage, thinly sliced 
one plate steam rice or for another 1 cups steamed rice 
bokcoy, cut for another 2 inches peaces
4 cloves shallots, minced 
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon butter for saute
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon ABC's sweet soy sauce 
salt for taste 
black and white ground pepper 
1 tablespoon ketchup

Complements Ingredients :

sliced tomatoes 
chili sauce - if you wish spicy

Make it :

English version
- In a hot skillet, add butter for saute garlic and shallots under low heat until aromatic or for approx 2 minutes.
- Add sausage, saute gently until cook or change the color for approx 4 minutes.
- Add egg, saute until mix well for another 1 minute also.
- Add soy sauce, ketchup and sweet soy sauce, saute and mix it together.
- Add rice and bokcoy, saute continuously, mix it well and cook for another 5 minutes.
- Add salt and pepper for taste.
- Turn off the heat and fried rice are ready to serve with complements ingredients ;-)
- Better serve hot.

Indonesian version
- Didalam wajan panas, masukkan mentega untuk menumis bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan menggunakan api sedang hingga harum atau kurang lebih selama 2 menit.
- Tambahkan sosis, aduk rata hingga sosis masak/berubah warna atau selama 4 menit.
- Masukkan telur, aduk rata selama 1 menit.
- Masukkan kecap manis, saus tomat dan kecap asin, aduk rata.
- Masukkan nasi dan sawi hijau, aduk rata dan masak selama 5 menit.
- Tambahkan garam dan merica bubuk sebagai perasa.
- Matikan kompor, sajikan nasi goreng bersama pelengkapnya :-)
- Sajikan selagi panas/hangat.

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 1-2 persons

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baso Jabrik atau Bola-Bola Bihun ( Chicken Balls Soup)

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina Magazine modified by Desy

What you need :

- 100 gr finely pounded chicken or beef 
- 2 tbsp cornstarch 
- 1 cup grated carrot
- salt and sugar for taste
- a stalk green onion, thinly sliced 
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tbsp fried shallots - available at asian store 
- ground white and black pepper 
- 1 cup crushed the Bean Thread Noodles

Soup Ingredients :
- 2 cup chicken stocks 
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 
- 1/4 part from a whole onion, cube sliced 
- salt and pepper for taste
- 1 tsp sesame oil 
- baby bokcoy or regular bok choy, cut the edges

Make it :

English version
- In a bowl with a hot water, put the bean thead for another 3 minutes, just make it little bit soft but do not overdone. Drain then set aside.
- In a bowl, combine ingredients and mix well. Shape into 1-inch balls. Place into steamer then steam for another 15-20 minutes or until set.
- Meanwhile, bring chicken stock to boil, then add garlic and onion.Let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
- Add sesame oil, salt, pepper for taste. Then add baby bok choy.
- Let it simmer for another 3 minutes.
- Turn off the heat then serve hot with chicken balls. 

D3sy's Kitchen Tips :
- While you steamed, don't stack it and give an 1/2 inches space in each meat balls, so it doesn't sticky.

Indonesia version
- Didalam mangkuk berisi air panas, masukkan remukan bihun selama 3 menit, hingg sedikit lembek, tapi jangan terlalu lembek lho. Tiriskan dan sisihkan.
- Masukkan semua bahan baso kedalam mangkuk, aduk rata, bentuk bola-2 dengan tangan.
- Kukus selama 15-20 menit. Pada saat mengukus, jangan ditumpuk dan beri sedikit jarak, biar bentuknya bagus.
- Untuk Sup : rebus kaldu ayam, kemudian masukkan abwang putih+bombay. Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
- Tambahkan minyak wijen, garam dan merica bubuk dan cicipi. Kemudian masukkan bok choy.
- Biarkan mendidih selama 2-3 menit.
- Angkat dan sajikan bersama baso ;-)

Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons (made 10 pcs pingpong balls)

Cumi masak Paprika ( Calamari cooked with Paprika )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 100 gr squid/shrimp 
- 4 pcs medium tomatoes or 5 tbsp tomatoes sauce, sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 
- 1/3 part of a whole onion, sliced
- lemon lime
- sugar and salt for taste 
- 1 tbsp soy sauce 
- paprika - i used green, red and yellow, seeded, cube sliced 
- ground white pepper 
- 1/2 cup water 
- 1 tsp oil + 1 tsp sesame oil for saute 

Make it :

English version
- clean the squids with squeeze lemon lime, let it rest for another 30 minutes.
- bring hot skillet under low heat, add oil+sesame oil then saute garlic and onion until aromatic or for approx 2 min.
- add tomatoes and the squids, saute continuously  for another 3 minutes.
- Add water, soy sauce, white pepper, sugar and salt for taste. Let it simmer and sauce are dissolve for another 3-5 minutes.
- Add paprika, saute gently, let it simmer for another 3 minutes also.
- Turn off the heat then serve hot with a warm steam rice ;-)

Note : you can fried the squids separately for another 2 minutes before adding into sauce

Indonesia version
- Bersihkan cumi dengan air jeruk nipis, biarkan selama 30 menit.
- Panaskan wajan dengan menggunakan api sedang, tambahkan minyak+minyak wijen untuk menumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
- Masukkan tomat dan cumi, aduk rata dan masak selama 3 menit.
- Masuukan air, kecap asin, merica bubuk, garam dan gula, cicipi. Biarkan mendidih dan saus mengental selama sekitar 3-5 menit.
- Tambahkan paprika, aduk perlahan dan biarkan mendidih selama 3 menit.
- Angkat dan sajikan panas bersama nasi hangat :-)

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oseng-oseng Bihun Sayur ( Stir-Fried Bean Thread Noodles )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 3 onz dried Bean Thread 
- 1 cup cube sliced chicken 
- a stalk green onion, sliced thinly 
- 4 cloves shallots or red pearl onion, minced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced 
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 2 tsp ABC's sweet soy sauce - available at asian store 
- salt and sugar for taste 
- ground white and black pepper
- oil or butter for saute
- cabbage, shredded
- an egg 
- broccoli crown, half cooked 

Make it :

English version
- To bring water to the boil then place the Bean Thread in it.Cook, drain and set aside.
- Meanwhile, put skillet under medium heat, add butter/oil for saute garlic and shallot until aromatic or for approx 2 min.
- Add chicken, cook until no longer pink.
- Add egg, mix it then soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, saute gently.
- Add the Bean Thread, saute gently and let it combine with sauce.
- Add cabbage, green onion, saute gently for another 3 minutes.
- Add brocoli, salt and pepper, saute gently then taste it. 
- Let it cook for another 2 minutes then turn off the heat. Serve hot.
- You can garnish with sliced tomatoes :-)

Indonesia version
- Rebus bihun hingga tidak kaku, buang airnya dan sisihkan.
 - Kemudian, didalam wajan panas dengan menggunakan api sedang, masukkan minyak untuk menumis bawang merah dan abwang putih hingga harum.
- Masukkan ayam, tumis hingga berubah warna.
- Masukkan telur, aduk kemudian tambahkan kecap manis+asin, aduk rata.
- Masukkan bihun, aduk rata hingga menyatu dengan bumbu.
- Masukkan kubis  dan bawang daun, aduk rata dan masak selama 3 menit.
- Masukkan brocoli, garam dan merica bubuk, aduk rata dan masak selama 2 menit.
- Sajikan panas dan beri irisan tomat :-)

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time : 15 min

Servings : 2 persons

Ayam saus Hoisim (Chicken cooked with Hoisim sauce)

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 2 pieces chicken thigh, prefer boneless and skinless, cut into a small chunk
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce 
- ground black pepper 
- 1 part white egg  from an egg 

Sauce Ingredients :
- 1/3 part from onion, thinly sliced 
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger or 1 cm fresh ginger
- a stalk green onion, sliced 
- 3 tbsp Hoisim sauce
- 1 tsp soy sauce 
- green+red chili, matches sliced 
- salt and sugar for taste
- 1 tsp oil + 1 tsp sesame oil, for saute

Make it 

English version
1. In a bowl, combine and mix well sliced chickens, soy sauce, white egg and black pepper. Refrigerate for another 30 minutes or more.
2. In a hot skillet, under low heat, add oil for saute then garlic, ginger and onion, saute gently until aromatic or for approx 2 minutes.
3. Add seasoning chicken, saute gently until no longer pink or for approx 5 minutes.
4. Add Hoisim sauce, soy sauce, salt and sugar. Saute gently then taste it.
5. Add green and red chili also green onion, saute for another 5 minutes and let it simmer and sauce are dissolve.
6. Turn off the heat then serve hot with steam rice :-)

Indonesia version

1. Di dalam mangkuk, campurkan ayam yg sudah dipotong-2, kecap asin, putih telur dan merica hitam bubuk. Masukkan kedalam kulkas minimal 30 menit.
2. Didalam wajan panas, menggunakan api sedang, masukkan minyak kemudian bawang putih, jahe dan bawang bombay, tumis perlahan hingga harum atau kurang lebih tumis selama 2 menit.
3. Masukkan ayam berbumbu, aduk rata dan biarkan hingga ayam berubah warna atau kurang leih selama 5 menit.
4. Masukkan Hoisim sauce, kecap asin, garam dan gula. Aduk rata dan cicipi.
5. Tambahkan cabe merah dan hijau kemudian bawang daun, aduk rata. Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit dan kuah mengental.
6. Matikan kompor, sajikan bersama nasi hangat.

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time : 15 mins

Servings : 2-3 persons

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tomato Beef Soup ( Sup Tomat Daging Sapi )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina Magazine modified by Desy

What you need :

- 6 medium size tomatoes, diced 
- 1 cup beef, cube sliced
- 2 pcs bay leaf 
- 1/3 tsp dried thyme
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 
- 1/3 part of onion, thinly sliced 
- salt 
- ground white & black pepper 
- sugar
- 2 cup water
- celery, thinly sliced 
- 1 cup matches sliced carrot

Make it :

English Version
1.  Bring water into boil, then add beef, let it cooked for another 5 minutes.
2. Add garlic, onion, bay leaf,  and thyme, let it simmer for another 5 minutes also.
3. Add tomatoes and carrot,  saute continuesly and let it simmer for another 5-10 min.
4. Add salt, sugar and pepper for taste. Turn of the heat.
5. Serve hot.

Indonesian Version
1. Rebus air hingga mendidih, kemudian masukkan daging, biarkan masak selama 5 menit.
2. Masukkan bawang putih, bawang bombay, daun bay dan Thyme, biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
3. Masukkan tomat dan wortel, aduk perlahan dan biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
4. Tambahkan garam, gula dan merica sebagai perasa.
5. Angkat dan sajikan hangat.

Preparation Time : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Serving : 2-3 bowls

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yellow Chicken Soup served with Cabbage ( Soto Ayam plus Kubis )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe

What you need  :

2 Chicken Thigh 
3 cup water
butter or oil for saute 
a stalk green onion, thinly sliced

-- Seasoning Ingredients (Finelly chopped):
6 cloves shallots
4 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric or 1 cm fresh turmeric 
1/3 teaspoon ground ginger or 2 cm fresh ginger 
ground white pepper
3 pcs candlenuts 

-- Complement Ingredients :
Cabbage, thinly sliced 
Hard boiled egg, sliced
Hard boiled potatoes, cube sliced
Lemon Lime
Chili, boiled, pounded 
Celery, thinly sliced 
5 pcs Shallots, thinly sliced then fried until golden brown
5 pcs garlic, thinly sliced then fried until change little bit the yellow color 

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

English version
1. Bring into boil water then add chicken, let it cook for another 10 minutes or until cooked.
2. Take the chicken, drain then sliced into small chunk, then pour and let it mix again with the soup.
3. In a wok, saute seasoning ingredients with little bit of oil under low heat until aromatic or for approx 3 minutes. 
4. Pour it into hot boiled soup.
5. Add green onion and salt for taste, let it simmer for another 5 minutes then turn off the heat.
6. Preparation egg,cabbage,potatoes, fried shallots, friend garlic and celery  into a bowl, then pour the hot soup.
7. Served with hot steamed rice and better serve hot.
Indonesia version
1. Rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan ayam, masak hingga daging empuk or kurang lebih masak selama 10 menit.
2. Angkat ayam, iris menjadi bagian kecil, masukkan kembali kedalam sup.
3. Didalam wajan, tumis bahan bumbu menggunakan sedikit minyak, dengan api kecil, hingga harum atau kurang lebih selama 3 menit.
4. Masukkan bumbu yg sudah ditumis kedalam sup.
5.  Tambahkan bawang daun dan garam sebagai perasa, biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.Kemudian matikan kompor.
6. Siapkan telur, kubis, kentang, bawang goreng dan seledrididalam manngkuk. Tuangkan kuah kedalamnya.
7. Sajikan bersama nasi hangat dan sajikan panas :-)

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

Tuna Mac Cheese ( Tuna Macaroni Cheese )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 1 pack Mac Cheese - about 150 gr 
- 1 can Tuna Sardines 
- 2 pieces egg
- salt
- ground pepper 
- 1/4 cup milk 
- 1/4 part stick butter 
- 20 gr grated cheese for topping 
- grated nutmeg 

Make it :

English version
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a baking dish. 
2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until cooked but do not overdone; drain. 
2. Combine eggs, milk, butter, pepper, nutmeg.
3. Add tuna, seasoning from Mac Cheese package and macaroni stir until all combined. 
4. Pour into the prepared dish. 
5. Add the remaining Cheddar cheese on top macaroni. 
6. Bake in preheated oven until bubbly and brown, about 30 minutes. 
7. Remove from the oven and allow to stand about 10 minutes before serving. 
8. Serve with chili sauce.

Indonesia version
1. Siapkan oven dengan suhu 350 derajat F. Siapkan loyang olesi dengan mentega atau minyak.
2. Rebus macaroni hingga empuk, tiriskan.
3. Kombinasikan telur, susu, mentega, merica bubuk dan pala.
4. Masukkan tuna, bumbu dari kemasan Mac Cheese dan macaroni, aduk hingga rata.
4. Tuangkan kedalam loyang yang sudah dipersiapkan.
5. Tambahkan keju parut diatas macaroni.
6. Panggang didalam oven selama 30 menit atau hingga mengembang dan kecoklatan.
7. Angkat dari oven dan biarkan selama 10 menit sebelom dihidangkan.
8. Hidangkan bersama sambal botol.

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Servings : 10 PCs

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fried Tofu with Chicken Filled ( Bakso Tahu Goreng )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina's Magazine modified Desy

What you need :

--Tofu Ingredients :
150 gr Medium Soft Tofu (Tahu putih)
50 gr chicken thigh, finely pounded (dada ayam, cincang)
1 tsp salt (garam)
1/2 tbsp ground white pepper (merica bubuk)
1 tsp sesame oil (minyak wijen)
a stalk green onion, sliced thinly (1 buah bawang daun)
2 tsp tapioca flour (tepung kanji)
2 pcs eggs and take the white part only (putih telur dari 2 butir telur)
oil for fried - i used peanut oil (minyak untuk menggoreng)

--Skin Ingredients :
5 tsp all purpose flour (5 sendok tepung terigu)
100 ml water (100 ml air)

--Sauce Ingredients (mix together):
100 ml warm water
salt an sugar for taste
2 pcs Thai Chili, pounded
3 tsp peanut butter
3 cloves garlic, minced

--Soup Ingredients :
2 cup chicken stock (kaldu ayam)
bokcoy (sawi hijau)
2 cloves garlic, sliced thinly (bawang putih, iris tipis)
1/4 pcs onion, sliced (bawang bombay, iris)
fish sauce (minyak ikan)

--Complement Ingredients :
Lemon Lime (jeruk nipis)
Sweet Soy Sauce - i used ABC Indonesia's Brand (kecap manis ABC)
Chilli sauce - if you wish spicy taste (sambal botol)

Make it :

 English Version
1. Sliced tofu then make a hole in the center. Put aside.
2. Combine tofu ingredients in a bowl, stir it then filled into center of the tofu with teaspoon.
3. Steamed for another 10-15 minutes.
4. Cover every single tofu with white egg then wrap with Skin ingredients then fried on a hot oil until golden brown. Set aside.
5. Soup direction : Bring into boiled chicken stock, then add garlic and onion, let it simmer for another 5 minute.
6. Add salt, pepper and fish sauce then add bokcoy. And let it simmer for another minutes.
7. Turn of the heat and serve with fried tofu and sauce and complement.

Note : add complement into sauce.

 Indonesia Version
1. Iris tahu, buat lubang ditengah. Sisihkan.
2. Kombinasikan bahan-2 tahu, aduk rata, isi tahu dengan menggunakan sendok kecil.
3. Kukus tahu selama 10-15 menit. 
4. Lumuri tahu dengan putih telur kemudian bungkus dnegan campuran kulit, kemudian goreng hingga matang dan kecoklatan.Sisihkan.
5. Memasak Sup : rebus kaldu ayam hingga mendidih,tambahkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay. Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
6. Tambahkan saus ikan, garam dan merica bubuk kemudian sawi. Biarkan mendidih selama 1 menit.
7. Matikan api kemduain sajikan soup bersama Baso Tahu Goreng plus sauce.

Note : bahan pelengkap campurkan kedalam saus kacang.

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

Chicken Bake cooked with Coconut Milk ( Ayam Panggang bumbu Santan ))

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina's magazine modified by Desy

What you need  :

- 3 pieces chicken thigh - prefer skinless 
- 5 pieces medium size tomatoes, diced
- 5 cloves shallots, thinly sliced 
- 1/3 teaspoon  ground cinnamon 
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 2 tablespoon ABC's sweet soy sauce 
- salt and sugar for taste 
- 1/3 teaspoon grated nutmeg 
- butter or oil for saute
- 2 teaspoon fried shallots - available at asian store

Make it :

English version
1. In a hot wok, saute shallots with little butter under low heat until aromatic or for approx 3 minutes.
2. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, soy sauce, coconut milk and tomatoes, saute gently then add chicken.
3. Add sugar and salt for taste.
4. Let slowly cook until sauce is absorb and cook for approx 10 minutes. Turn Of the heat then add fried shallots then mix it.
5. Preheat oven under 350 degree F, prepare dish for baking.
6. Put chicken and sauce on top of tray and bake it for another 15 minutes.
7. Flip it in every 5 minutes and top part cover with sauces.
8. Chicken ready to served with complements.

Indonesian version
1. Didalam wajan, tumis bawang merah dengan menggunakan mentega/minyak hingga harum atau selama 3 menit dengan menggunakan api kecil.
2. Tambahkan kayu manis, pala, santan, kecap dan tomat, aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ayam.
3. Tambahkan gula dan garam sebagai perasa.
4. Biarkan masak secara perlahan selama 10 menit atau hingga saus mengental. Matikan api dan campurkan bawang goreng kedalam ayam.
5. Siapkan oven dengan panas 350 derajat F dan siapkan pinggan tahan panas.
6. Letakkan ayam dan saus kedalam pinggan dan panggang selama 15 menit.
7. Balik ayam setiap 5 menit dan umuri bagian atas dengan saus.
8. Ayam siap disajikan bersama pelengkap.

Preparation Time : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 35 minutes

Servings : 1-2 persons

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sardines cooked with Tomato and Chilli ( Sarden masak Tomat plus Cabe )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

425 gr sardines in can, opened 
red bell pepper, sliced 1/2-inches pieces 
yellow green pepper, sliced 1/2-inches pieces 
green chili, thinly sliced
4 cloves shallots, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
salt and sugar for taste 
ground pepper 
4 pieces tomatoes, cube sliced
1 stalk green onion, sliced
butter or oil for saute 

Make it :

English version
1. In a hot wok, saute butter/oil with garlic and shallots under low heat for approx 2 minutes or until aromatic.
2. Add green chili, saute gently then add bell pepper and green onion.
3. Add sardines from the can, saute gently and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
4. Add tomatoes, saute gently then add pepper, salt and sugar for taste.
5. Let it simmer for another 3 minutes then turn off the heat and ready to serve with hot steamed rice ;-)

Indonesia version
1. Di dalam wajan panas, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih dengan menggunakan mentega/minyak hingga harum dengan menggunakan api kecil.
2. Tambahkan cabe hijau, tumis kemudian masukkan paprika dan bawang daun.
3. Masukkan ikan sardines dari kaleng, dan tumis perlahan, dan biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
4. Tambahkan tomat, aduk rata kemudian masukkan merica, garam dan gula sebagai perasa.
5. Biarkan mendidih selama 3 menit kemudian matikan api dan siap dihidangkan bersama nasi hangat ;-)

Preparation Time : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 10 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chicken Oven cooked with Coriander spices ( Ayam Oven bumbu Ketumbar )

I served this dish with Vegetables Soup or Sup Sayuran .

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Yenny and family on Multiply modified by Desy

What you need :

- 3 pieces Chicken Thigh - prefer skinless
- 4  cloves garlic, minced 
- 3 cloves shallots, minced
- 1 teaspoon ground coriander
- 2 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
- salt for taste 
- ground white pepper 

Make it :

English version
1. In a hot wok,  put chicken, garlic, shallots, coriander, salt and pepper under low heat.
2. Saute gently until half cook for approx 10 minutes. Turn of the heat and set aside.
3. Preheat oven for 350 degrees F and lightly grease with butter or cooking spray.
4. Add sweet soy sauce and combine with cooked chicken.
5. Put chicken on the tray. Bake it.
6. In every 2 min, spread with remaining sauce until chicken are fully cooked for approx 10 min.
7. Serve hot with soup ;-)

Indonesia version
1. Didalam wajan panas, masukkan ayam, bawang merah, bawang putih, garam dan merica. 2. Tumis perlahan hingga berubah warna dengan menggunakan api kecil atau kurang lebih selama 10 menit. Matikan kompor dan sisihkan.
3. Panaskan oven dengan menggunakan suhu 350 derajat F dan siapkan loyang yg diolesi mentega atau minyak.
4. Campurkan kecap manis dengan ayam yg sudah ditumis.
5. Letakkan ayam diatas loyang dan kemudian masukkan kedalam oven.
6. Setiap 2 menit, olesi ayam dengan sisa bumbu, oven selama kurang lebih 10 menit.
7. Sajikan hangat bersama sup ;-)

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time : 25 min

Servings : 2 persons

Vegetables Soup ( Sup Sayuran )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 cup chicken broth or vegetable broth
1 pieces green onion, sliced 1/2 inches pieces
1 tomato, sliced
1 cup sliced carrots
1 cup cube sliced potatoes
1 cup sliced cabbage
fried shallots as garnish
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg

Make it :

English version
1. Bring to boil chicken broth then add garlic. Let simmer for another 5 minutes.
2. Add carrot and potatoes, let it until almost tender.
3. Add nutmeg, green onion, salt and pepper. Taste it.
4. Add cabbage and tomatoes, saute gently and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
5. Serve hot and put garnish on top.

Indonesian version
1. Rebus air daging hingga mendidih, masukkan bawang putih iris. Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
2. Tambahkan kentang dan wortel, masak hingga gampir lunak.
3. Tambahkan bawang daun, garam dan merica bubuk. Cicipi.
4. Masukkan kubis/ kol putih dan tomat, aduk prelahan dan biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
5. Hidangkan panas dan beri bawang goreng diatas sup.

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time : 15 min

Servings : 2 bowls

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Steamed Wonton with Tofu and Carrots Filled ( Siomay isi Tahu dan Wortel )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

Wonton ingredients - Finely minced :

10 pcs wonton wrappers 
1 cup grated carrot 
100 gr Tofu
2 cloves garlic, minced 
a stalk green onion, thinly sliced 
salt and paper for taste
white and black ground pepper

Soup Ingredients :
2 cup of water/chicken or beef broth
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/3 cup one onion, thinly sliced
salt and sugar for taste 
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 
2 teaspoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
ground white and black pepper
baby bokcoy, cut into 2 inches pieces 

Make it :

English version
- Wonton : Combine and mix well wonton ingredients into a bowl. Don't forget to taste.

- To fill the wontons, lay one won ton skin in front of you.Moisten all the edges of the won ton wrapper with water. Place a heaping teaspoon of won ton filling in the center.
Fold the wonton wrapper in half lengthwise, making sure the ends meet. Press down firmly on the ends to seal. Use thumbs to push down on the edges of the filling to center it. Keeping thumbs in place, fold over the wonton wrapper one more time. Push the corners up and hold in place between your thumb and index finger. Wet the corners with your fingers. Bring the two ends together so that they overlap. Press to seal. The finished product should resemble a nurse's cap. Or The final result should resemble a money bag or drawstring purse. Repeat with remaining wontons.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the won tons, making sure there is enough room for them to move about freely. Let the wontons boil for 5 - 8 minutes, until they rise to the top and the filling is cooked through. Remove from the pot with a slotted spoon.

- Soup Directions : Bring broth into boil then add garlic and onion, let it simmer for another 3 minutes.
- Add sesame oil, fish sauce, soy sauce and salt, sugar also pepper for taste. Saute gently and let it simmer for another 5 minutes. Don't forget to taste.
- Add Baby bokcoy, cooked for another 2 minutes then remove the heat.
- Serve with wonton and chili sauce (if you wish spicy taste) 

Indonesia version
- Campurkan semua bahan Siomay kedalam mangkuk. Gunakan sendok kecil untuk mengisi kulit pangsit. 
- Gunakan air sebagai perekat sisi-2 kulit pangsit. Rebus selama 15 menit.
- Untuk sup : rebus  air, masukkan daging dan biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit dnegan menggunakan api sedang.
- Masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay, biarkan mendidih selama 3 menit.
- Masukkan minyak wijen, saus ikan, kecap asin, garam dan gula. Campurkan dan biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit. Jangan lupa cicipi.
- Masukkan sawi hijau, kemudian matikan api dan sajikan bersama siomay dan sambal botol :-)

Preparation Time : 15 min
Cooking Time : 20 min

Servings : 2 bowls

Monday, September 8, 2008

Crispy Fried Shrimp with Coriander Leaves ( Udang Goreng Harum plus daun ketumbar )

I try to substitute squid with prawn. Direction and ingredients are same as Crispy Fried Calamari with Coriander Leaves (Cumi goreng harum) .

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time : 15 min

Servings : 2 portions

Stir-Fried Potatoes with coconut milk and added carrot ( Sambal Goreng Kentang plus wortel )

Today, Carrots is the only vegetables left on my refrigerate, then i decice to cook it and mix with potatoes.

I try to modified with adding carrot and i substitute beef with chicken.

Preparation : 10 min
Cooking Time : 15 min

Servings : 2-3 persons