Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ayam oven bungkus tepung roti ( Baked Chicken covered with bread crumbs)

I had Japanese style bread crumbs since 3 months ago.  I had never used it. I decided to use it.

You can fried this chicken with a little bit of oil. But I like bake this chicken because oil free, so it means more healthy.

Serving suggestions are steamed rice or black rice and steamed broccoli with tomato sauce.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my creation

What you need :

- 2 PCs chicken thigh, boneless and skinless ( 2 buah dada ayam, non kulit dan tulang)
- 1 cup Japanese Panko Bread Crumbs (1 cup tepung roti versi japan)
- 1/2 tsp Paprika powder (1/2 sdt Paprika bubuk)
- 1/3 tsp Cayenne Pepper (1/3 sdt cabe bubuk)
- 1/3 tsp ground black pepper (1/3 sdt merica hitam bubuk)
- 1/3 tsp ground garlic salt (1/3 sdt bawang putih dan garam bubuk, atau diganti dgn garam dan parutan bawang putih segar)
- 1 egg, poach into a small bowl (1 buah telur, pecahkan di mangkuk)
- a pinch of salt ( 1 cubitan garam)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it : 

1. In a small bowl, poach egg and a pinch of salt, beat with fork. In a plate, combine bread crumbs and other ingredients, except chicken. Mix together.
2. Covers both sides of chicken with mixture egg then roll into mixture bread crumbs. Set aside.
3. Preheat oven 350 degrees F. Lightly grease prepared dish with oil.
4. Bake chicken for 20 minutes, or until both side are golden brown. 
5. Prepared chicken with side dishes. Enjoy.

Indonesia version

Cara membuat :

1. Didalam mangkuk kecil, pecahkan telur, dan beri 1 cubitan garam, kocok dengan garpu.
Didalam piring, campurkan semua bahan kecuali ayam hingga rata.
2. Masukkan ayam kedalam kcookan telur, kemudian gulingkan kedalam capuran tepung roti, kedua sisinya hingga rata. Sisihkan.
3. Panaskan oven, 350 derajat F. Siapkan loyang dan olesi sedikit minyak.
4. Panggang ayam selama 20 menit atau hingga kedua sisi kecoklatan dan termasak sempurna.
Atau bisa ingin digoreng, goreng dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak dan goreng hingga kedua sisi kecoklatan.
5. Sajikan ayam bersama pelengkap. Selamat menikmati.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 20-25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baso Daging Modifikasi ( Home-made Meatballs soups )

This is not the first time I posted meatballs recipe. I tried to search and typed some words on the Google.com, I got one that would be perfect. I reducing and adding some ingredients as my desired.

It wasn't hard to make if you have all the ingredients in place.
How about the taste? Hmm, the meatballs is tasty, maybe from the oyster sauce and I would repeat to make this dish.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Sedap Sekejap modified by me

What you need :

Meatballs :
- 1/2 lb ground beef (1/4 kg daging sapi giling)
- 1 stalk green onions, thinly slice (1 buah bawang daun, iris halus)
- 2 cloves garlic, shreeded ( 2 siung bawang putih, parut)
- 2 tablespoon tapioca flour, (2 sdt tepung kanji)
- 1/3 teaspoon salt, (1/3 sdt garam)
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar (1/2 sdt gula putih)
- ground pepper (merica bubuk)
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil (1 sdt minyak wijen)
- 1 teaspoon fish oil (1 sdt saus minyak ikan)
- 2 teaspoon oyster sauce (2 sdt saus tiram)

Soup :
- 3 cup chicken broth ( 3 cup kaldu ayam)
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly slice (2 siung bawang putih, iris halus)
- 1/3 cup diced onion (1/3 cup irisan bawang bombay)
- salt, pepper (garam dan merica bubuk)
- bok choy (sawi hijau)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. Combine meatballs ingredients in large bowl. Mix thoroughly. Shape into 1-inch balls. Place in steamer. Steam for 15 minutes or until fully cooked. Set aside.
2. Meanwhile, in a pot, bring broth to boil. Add garlic and onion. Let it cook for approximately 3 minutes.
3. Season with salt and pepper. Don't forget to taste. Add bok choy or any vegetables, let it simmer for another 2 minutes.
4. Transfer to serving bowl and add meatballs. Serve hot and add chili sauce if you are desire :-)

Indonesia version

Cara memasak :

1. Campurkan bahan baso didalam mangkuk besar. Aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata.
Bentuk bulat-2 dengan diameter sekitar 3 cm. Letakkan kedalam panci kukusan, kukus selama 15 menit atau hingga masak. Sishkan.
2. Didalam panci kecil, rebus kaldu hingga mendidih. Masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay. Masak hingga mendidih selama 3 menit.
3. Tambahkan garam dan merica, cicipi. Masukkan sawi hijau, dan biarkan mendidih selama 2 menit. Angkat.
4. Sajikan sup bersama sayur. Sajikan bersama sambal botolan jika suka.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 20 minutes

Servings : 8 pieces (ping pong balls)

Easy Chicken Parmesan Pasta

This recipe's idea got from my friend, Nanik. I told to her about I want cooking pasta, and she gave my this idea. 

This food is delicious and also easy and quick from preparation until the cooking process.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Nanik Teeple-Iowa modified by me

What you need :

- Pasta Noodles, cooked until al dente, I used Gluten Free Pasta (Pasta, rebus)
- 1 cup Pasta Sauce, your favorite taste (1 cup Pasta botolan, rasa sesuai selera)
- Parmesan cheese for garnish (Keju parmesan untuk penyajian)
- Mozarella cheese (Keju Mozarella)

Chicken Parmesan ingredients :
- 2 chicken breast (2 buah dada ayam, iris hingga daging agak tipis)
- 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs (1/2 cup tepung roti yang susah berbumbu)
- 1 egg (1 buah telur)
- a pinch of salt (1 cubitan garam)
- 1 teaspoon dried basil (1 sdt daun basil kering)
- ground pepper (merica bubuk)
1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. In a small bowl, poach an egg with a pinch of salt, beat with fork. In a plate, put and mix bread crumbs, ground pepper, and dried basil.
2. First, both sides of the chicken covers with egg+salt, then cover with mixed bread crumbs. Set aside.
3. Fried the chicken with little bit of oil until golden brown at both sides.
4. Preheat oven 325-350 degrees F. In prepared baking dish, add 1/2 cup pasta sauce, then top with fried chicken and cheese. Bake until cheese is melt.
5. Meanwhile, preheat 1/2 cup of pasta sauce in a sauce pan until simmer.
6. Place in prepared dish, pasta, then top with chicken + sauce + cheese. If you desire, you can add more with warm pasta sauce. Garnish with Parmesan cheese. Enjoy.

Indonesia version

Cara membuat :

1. Didalam mangkuk kecil, pecahkan telur, tambahkan garam, dan kocok dengan garpu. 
Didalam piring, campurkan tepung roti berbumbu, merica bubuk dan daun basil, campurkan hingga rata.
2. Celupkan daging ayam dengan campuran telur+garam, kemudian gulingkan kedalam tepung roti, hingga kedua sisi merata. Sisihkan.
3. Goreng ayam dengan sedikit minyak, hingga kedua sisinya agak kecoklatan.
4. Panaskan oven sekitar 170 derajat C. Didalam panci utk mengoven, oleskan 1/2 cup saus pasta, letakkan daging ayam diatasnya,
kemudian taburi dengan keju mozarella. Oven hingga keju meleleh, atau sekitar 10 menit.
5. Didalam panci keicl, hangatkan sisa saus pasta.
6. Didalam piring, letakkan pasta, kemudian ayam dan saus yg dioven, dan saus pasta yg dihangatkan. Taburi dengan keju parmesan. Sajikan.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Indonesian Spinach Clear Soup ( Sayur Bening Bayam)

This is one of my favorites soup. Perfect for warm or hot day. My grandmother cooked this for us while we was kid.

One of ingredients are really Indonesian spices, you may find it in Indonesian store or maybe you can buy online. Because I have never found it at other country recipe.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe modified by me

What you need :

- 10 oz Baby Spinach (10 onz daun bayam)
- 2 cup chicken/vegetable broth or water (2 cup kaldu ayam atau air)
- 1/2 can sweet corn or about 7 oz (7 onz atau setengah kaleng jagung manis)
- 4 cloves shallots, thinly slice (4 buah bawang merah, iris halus)
- 1/3 teaspoon Moulu Powder or Temu Kunci, available at Indonesian store (1/3 sdt Temu Kunci atau 2 cm Temu Kunci segar)
- 1/3 teaspoon Salt (1/3 sdt garam)
- 1/3 teaspoon Sugar (1/3 sdt gula putih)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. Bring broth into boil, then add Moulu powder and shallots. Bring until shimmer and aromatic or cook about 5 minutes.
2. Add sweet corns, bring into boil. Add sugar and salt for taste.
3. Turn off the heat. Add spinach and stir. Place into prepared bowl and enjoy.

Indonesia version

Cara memasak :

1. Rebus air/kaldu hingga mendidih. Masukkan temu kunci dan bawang merah hingga bumbu berasa wangi atau sekitar 5 menit.
2. Tambahkan jagung, apabila menggunakan jagung utuh, masak jagung hingga lunak. Masukkan garam dan gula, cicipi.
3. Matikan api. Masukkan daun bayam, aduk hingga terendam kuah. Sajikan didalam mangkuk dan selamat menikmati.

Preparation : 2 minutes
Cooking : 8 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Hard boiled egg with crushed chili, candlenut, and coconut milk sauce ( Telur bumbu sambel kemiri)

This dish is one of Indonesian traditional food. My grandmother cooked this for us while we was kid. This dish is perfect for warm weather.

Serving suggestion for this food is steamed rice (I served with brown rice) and Indonesian spinach clearly soup.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe modified by me

What you need :

- 4 pieces hard boiled eggs, crack the shell
- 4 pieces candle nut
- 1 teaspoon sambal oeleg, available at Asian store
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1/3 teaspoon salt
- 1 cloves garlic
- 150 ml of coconut milk

Make it :

1. Finely crushed : candle nut, garlic, salt, sugar, sambal oeleg.
2. In a hot skillet, add crushed seasoning and coconut milk. Stir and mix together.
3. Add eggs, cook for about 3 minutes. Don't forget to taste.
4. Remove from the heat, serve into prepared dish. Enjoy.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 5 minutes

Servings : 2 servings