Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cumi masak Paprika ( Calamari cooked with Paprika )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 100 gr squid/shrimp 
- 4 pcs medium tomatoes or 5 tbsp tomatoes sauce, sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 
- 1/3 part of a whole onion, sliced
- lemon lime
- sugar and salt for taste 
- 1 tbsp soy sauce 
- paprika - i used green, red and yellow, seeded, cube sliced 
- ground white pepper 
- 1/2 cup water 
- 1 tsp oil + 1 tsp sesame oil for saute 

Make it :

English version
- clean the squids with squeeze lemon lime, let it rest for another 30 minutes.
- bring hot skillet under low heat, add oil+sesame oil then saute garlic and onion until aromatic or for approx 2 min.
- add tomatoes and the squids, saute continuously  for another 3 minutes.
- Add water, soy sauce, white pepper, sugar and salt for taste. Let it simmer and sauce are dissolve for another 3-5 minutes.
- Add paprika, saute gently, let it simmer for another 3 minutes also.
- Turn off the heat then serve hot with a warm steam rice ;-)

Note : you can fried the squids separately for another 2 minutes before adding into sauce

Indonesia version
- Bersihkan cumi dengan air jeruk nipis, biarkan selama 30 menit.
- Panaskan wajan dengan menggunakan api sedang, tambahkan minyak+minyak wijen untuk menumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
- Masukkan tomat dan cumi, aduk rata dan masak selama 3 menit.
- Masuukan air, kecap asin, merica bubuk, garam dan gula, cicipi. Biarkan mendidih dan saus mengental selama sekitar 3-5 menit.
- Tambahkan paprika, aduk perlahan dan biarkan mendidih selama 3 menit.
- Angkat dan sajikan panas bersama nasi hangat :-)

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

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