Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crepes Normande - Apple in a crepe ( Crepe isi apel )

Crepes Normande is like apple in a crepe. It is a quick dessert to fix. 
You can top it with whipped cream or ice cream, or maybe drizzled with a little caramel syrup.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : The Prepared Pantry modified by Desy

The crepes ingredients :
-  1 cup all purpose flour (1 cup tepung terigu)
- 1 1/2 cups milk (1 1/2 cup susu cair)
- 2 large eggs (2 buah telur ukuran besar)
- 3 tablespoons granulated sugar (3 sdm gula putih)
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (1 sdm minyak)
- 1 pinch salt (1 cubitan garam)
- 1/4 teaspoon vanila extract (1/4 sdt vanila cair)
- 2 teaspoon chocolate cake powder - as you wish, or you can skip (2 sdt coklat bubuk - sesuai selera atau bisa dihilangkan)

The Filling Ingredients :
- 5 piece big apples, diced (5 buah apple ukuran besar, potong dadu)
- 3 tablespoon butter (3 sdm mentega)
- 3 tablespoon sugar (3 sdm gula putih)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk)
- powdered sugar for topping (gula halus untuk topping)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Directions for the crepes :

English version
- Sift the flour and chocolate powder into a medium bowl. 
- In a small bowl, whisk together the milk, sugar, vegetable oil, salt and vanilla extract.
- Add to the flour+chocolate flour and whip to a smooth batter.
- Heat the crepe pan or omelet pan on medium high heat. Brush with butter.
- Measure of batter into the hot pan. Immediately tilt and rotate the pan so that the batter covers the bottom of the pan in a thin layer.
- Cook until bubbles appear and the bottom of the crepe is a nice eve, golden brown.
- Sturdy spatula to turn the crepe. Cook the second side only it is a blonde color, mot as dark as the first side.
- Remove the crepe to a sheet of parchment paper or waxed paper and repeat with the rest of batter.

Directions for filling :

- Saute the apples in the butter until almost tender. 
- Stir in the sugar and cinnamon and cook until the apples are tender and the sugar crystals have dissolved.
- Fill the crepes and fold as desired. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Indonesia  version
Untuk kulit
- Didalam mangkuk, kocok telur, vanila, gula, minyak, garam, susu cair. 
- Campurkan bersama terigu, aduk rata dan hingga adonan halus.
- Panaskan wajan omelet atau crepes dengan menggunakan api sedang. Olesi sedikit mentega.
- Takar adonan kemudian tuang kedalam wajan, segera putar hingga membentuk lingkaran penuh.
- Biarkan masak hingga coklat keemasan.
- Dengan spatula, putar bagian lain crepes dan biarkan hingga cukup kekuningan.
- Angkat dan teruskan hingga adonan habis.

Untuk bahan isian
- Tumis apel bersama mentega hingga apel hampir empuk.
- Masukkan gula dan kayu manis, aduk rata dan masak hingga gula mengental dan saus meresap.
- Isi crepes dan gulung. Beri taburan gula halus diatas crepe.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 15 pieces

Beef sauteed with tomatoes and cinnamon ( Daging sapi bumbu tomat dan kayu manis)

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : New Femina modified by Desy

What you need :

- 1/4 ounces beef - i used tri-tip beef, sliced 4x1/2 inches pieces 
- 4 big tomatoes, diced
- 2 tablespoon coconut milk or 4 tablespoon fresh milk 
- 5 cloves shallots, minced
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
- 1 pinch ground clove or 2 pcs whole cloves
- salt 
- freshly ground pepper 
- white ground pepper
- sugar
- 2 teaspoon sweet soy sauce or just soy sauce then add sugar 
- oil for saute

Side Dishes :
- steamed veggies
- mashed potato

Make it

English version
- Heat the oil in skillet for saute shallots until golden brown.
- Add diced tomatoes, saute gently then add coconut milk, nutmeg, cloves, pepper, sweet soy sauce, cinnamon, and toss.
- Add sliced beef, saute continuously until sauce are absorb.
- Adjust taste with salt and sugar.
- Preheat oven into 350 degrees F.
- Move the cooked beef into tray (oven proof), oven for another 10 minutes.
- Serve hot with side dishes.

Indonesia version
- Panaskan minyak didalam wajan untuk menumis bawang merah hingga harum.
- Masukkan tomat, santan, pala, merica, kecap manis, cengkeh, aduk rata.
- Masukkan daging, tumis hingga saus meresap.
- Tambahkan garam dan gula, cicipi.
- Panaskan oven dengan suhu 350 derajat F
- Pindahkan daging bumbu kedalam loyang, oven selama 10 menit.
- Sajikan panas bersama pelengkap.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

Green Spring Veggies

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Barefoot Contessa - Food Network modified by Desy

What you need :
- 1/4 pound Asparagus, ends removed
- 1/4 pound broccoli, ends removed 
- 3 cloves shallots, minced
- 2 tablespoon butter 
- 1 tablespoon olive oil 
- salt 
- freshly ground pepper 

Make it :

English version
- Add the broccoli into boiling hot water, cook for another 2 minutes. Drain and set aside.
- Add the asparagus into boiling hot water, cook for another 2 minutes. Drain and set aside.
- Heat the butter and oil in large skillet, then saute shallots until golden brown.
- Add the drained vegetables into skillet, then add salt, pepper and toss.
- Cook just until  the vegetables heated through.
- Serve hot.

Indonesia version
- Rebus brokoli didalam air panas, selama 2 menit. Tiriskan dan sisihkan.
- Rebus asparagus didalam air panas selama 2 menit. Tiriskan dan sishkan.
- Didalam wajan panas, tumis bawang merah dengan mentaga dan minyak hingga kecoklatan.
- Masukkan sayuran yg sudah ditiriskan, tambahkan garam dan merica bubuk dan aduk rata.
- Masak hingga bumbu menyatu keseluruh sayuran.
- Sajikan hangat.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 10 minutes

Servings : 4 servings

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Peanuts Cookie ( Kue Kacang Jaman Doeloe )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina Magazine modified by Desy

What you need :

- 250 gr all purpose flour - i has substitute with flour formula
- 100 gr powdered white sugar
- 125 gr peanuts, fried first except you used already eat then chopped
- 125 gr oil - i used peanut oil 
- a pinch of salt 
- 1/4 teaspoon vanila extract 
- egg yolk for spread 

Make it :

English version
- Preheat oven in 325 degrees F and prepare baking dish with ungreased cookie sheet.
- In a bowl, mixture all ingredients with hand or spatula until blended together.
- Roll out the dough to 44 mm thickness
- Shape the pastry using cookie cutter, then add a half of peanut on top then spread with egg yolk.
- Bake for another 15-18 minutes.
- Let it cool for another 5 minutes before serve . and This cookie can be stored at airtight container at room temperature, up to 5 days :-)

Indonesia version
- Panaskan oven dengan suhu 325 degrees F
- Campurkan semua bahan kedalam mangkuk hingga adonan lembut ditangan.
- Tipiskan adonan sekitar 44 mm.
- Potong dan bentuk sesuai selera, beri kacang sebagai hiasan dan olesi dengan kuning telur.
- Oven selama 15-18 menit.
- Biarkan dingin sekitar 5 menit sebelum disajikan.
Preparation : 15 minutes
Baking Time : 16 minutes

Servings : 600 grams

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oven Fried Chicken - guarantee without soggy and greasy

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : The Prepared Pantry  modified by Desy

What you need :

- 4 pieces chicken thigh or drumstick 
- 3 tablespoon all purpose flour 
- 1/4 baking powder 
- 1 teaspoon paprika powder
- 1 teaspoon ground pepper
- 2/3 teaspoon salt 

What you need :

English Version
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F
- Place an oven-proof cooling rack on a backing sheet lined with aluminium foil. This method will work best if the rack sits an inch or so off the pan to allow air to circulate under the rack and cook the meat from below.
- Stir together the flour, baking powder, paprika, salt and pepper. Coat the chicken by dredging the pieces in the flour mixture.
-. Place the chicken on the rack. Bake for 15 minutes and then turn the temperature down to 375 degrees for an additional 20 minutes or until the meat is no longer pink.

The chicken are just take out from the oven and it is look beautiful and yummy. Right ?

Indonesia Version
- Panaskan oven dengan suhu 425 degrees F
- Bungkus oven-proof cooling rack dengan alumunium foil. Proses ini dengan akan bekerja baik pada saat proses meng-oven krn bagian bawah juga akan terbakar sempurna.
- Campurkan bahan tepung terigu, merica, garam, bubuk paprika dan baking powder. Balur permukaan ayam hingga tertutup sempurna.
- Letakkan diatas rak yg sudah di siapkan, oven selama 15 menit, kemudian turunkan suhu hingga 325 degrees F dan oven selama 20 menit.

Preparation : 2 minutes
Cooking : 35 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Belated B'Day my hunny ;-)

Just simple lunch and cake for my husband b'day :-)

B'day Cake - Chocolate layer Bar Cake...
It's so yummyyyyy ;-)

Our lunch...

Happy B'day hunny..
I wish all your dream come true :-) 

Dadar Telur (Javanese Style Omelete)

This is side dish for fried rice, stir fry noodles or Indonesia's yellow rice and easy to prepare this dish.

What you need :
- 1 large egg
- pinch a salt
- 1 tbsp oil or butter for fry

Make it :
- in small bowl, beat together an egg and a pinch of salt
- heat butter or oil until just hot enough then pour the egg mixture.
- continue cooking until egg are cooked enought
- flip into another side then continue cooking for another 1 minutes.
- remove from the heat.
- Let it rest for another 5 minutes then cut into 1/2 inch pieces.

Preparation : 2 minutes
Cooking : 3 minutes

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lontong Kari Ayam Bandung ( Chicken cooked with coconut milk - Bandung version )

This is another traditional food from Bandung - West Java.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Herty Kitchen Gallery modified by Desy

What you need :

- 3 pieces chicken thigh
- 1 piece Indian Bay Leaf 
- 1 piece  lime leaves 
- 1/4 teaspoon ground  lemongrass 
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves or another 2 pieces whole cloves
- 1 cup thick coconut milk 
- 1/2 cup water 

Spices, finely chopped:
- 5 cloves shallots 
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 
- 1/5 teaspoon ground galangal 
- 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
- 4 pieces candlenut 
- 3 pieces red chili, crushed or 2 teaspoon sambal oeleg 
- salt 
- granulated white sugar 
- ground white pepper

Complement : 
- Rice dumpling (Lontong )
- Crackers (Emping belinjo)
- cucumber, cut into small piece 
- Thai chili, crushed

Make it :

English version
- Smear chicken with salt for another 5 minutes or more.
- In sauce pan, boil water them add finally chopped spices and chicken.
- Cook under low heat and saute gently and let it chicken fully cook or tender enough.
- Add coconut milk, saute and mix it together with sauce.
- Saute continuously and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.
- Adjust the taste with sugar, salt and pepper.
- Served warm with complement ingredients :-)

Indonesia version

- Lumuri ayam dgn air jeruk dan garam, biarkan bbrp saat
- Didihkan air, masukkan bumbu halus bersama bumbu2 lainnya, dan ayam
- Masak dgn api kecil, sampai bumbu menyerap dan kaldu ayamnya keluar
- Tuang santan kental, masak kembali hingga mendidih sambil diaduk agar santan tidak pecah.
- Cicipi dan biarkan mendidih selama 10 menit sambil diaduk-2
- Hidangkan hangat bersama pelengkap lainnya.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2 persons


Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- Rice dumpling, sliced 
- Bean sprout, boil for another 5 minutes, then drain it 
- The Bean Thread, boil for another 2 minutes then drain it 
- Crackers
- Sweet soy sauce 
- Fried Onion 
- 50 gr Tofu, cut into small cubes then fried a half cooked 

Peanut Sauce Ingredients :
- 100 gr fried nut, finely chopped or 2 tablespoon peanut butter 
- 1/2 teaspoon tamarind 
- 1 clove garlic, minced or grated
- Thai chili - as you wish 
- brown sugar 
- hot water
Make it :

English version
- In a bowl, place and crush peanut sauce ingredients.  Add some water as needed until you get desired thickness. Don't forget to taste.
- To serve, in a plate place Rice dumpling then the bean thread also tofu and bean sprout.
- Pour with peanut sauce then garnish with sweet soy sauce, fried onion and crackers.
- Ready to serve :-)

Indonesia version

- Campurkan semua bahan bumbu kacang didalam mangkuk (paling pas pake cobek), berikan air sesuai dengan kekentalan yang diinginkan.
- jangan lupa cicipi.
- Susun didalam piring, lontong, tahu goreng, taoge dan bihun.
- Siram dengan bumbu kacang diatasnya, kemudian beri kecap amnis, bawang goreng dan kerupuk.
- Siap disajikan :-)

Preparation : 15 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Indonesia's rice dumpling and wrapped with aluminum foil ( Lontong bungkus aluminum foil )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Tatie_Sby MP site modified by desy

What you need :

- 1 cup rice
- water
- aluminum foil
- tooth pick

Make it :

English version
- In sauce pan, cook rice and water until water are dissolve. While you put rice into sauce pan, look high of the rice. This is for measurement how much you need to adding the water. Add for another 2-3 hight from the rice.
- Let cook for another 10 minutes, then let it rest for another 5 minutes.
- Prepare the aluminum foil, scoop and wrap the rice into foil.
- Give for another 2-3 times wrapped, this is for make sure the rice isn't come out.
- Don't forget to close the side also. Give 2-3 small poke in every side used a tooth pick.
- Cook into sauce pan, adding water and until cover the wrap.
- Cook for another 2-3 hours, adding water every time the water are shrink.

Note : water should be cover the rice wrap.

Indonesia version
1. Masak beras dengan air, ketinggian air sekitar 2-3x dari tinggi beras dari dasar panci.
2. Masak hingga butiran beras menjadi lebih besar dari beras yg masih mentah dan agak sedikit lengket satu sama lain, atau orang jawa bilang beras karon.
3. Angkat dari kompor, biarkan selama 5 menit.
4. Bungkus dengan alumunium foil, aku gulung sebanyak 3 gulungan.
5. Gak perlu terlalu ditekan pada saat memasukkan beras masak, asal rapi didalam gulungan, dan agak sedikit ditekan pd saat melipat dibagian ujung.
6. Tusuk/buat lubang kecil dengan permukaan dengan menggunakan tusuk gigi, proses ini membantu air sedikit masuk kedalam lontong.
7. Masak didalam panci, dan berikan air hingga lontong terendam.
8. Setiap 30-45 menit tambahkan air, apabila air berkurang/ tidak merendam lontong.
9. Masak selama 2-3 jam (tergantung banyaknya lontong).
10. Lontong siap dipakai :-)

Cooking Time : 2 hours 15 minutes

Servings : 2 pcs ( 65 x 35 mm )

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kolak Singkong ( Cassava cooked with coconut milk )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe

What you need :

-  1 lbs cassava, peeled the skin then cut in small chunk 
- a pinch of salt
- granulated white sugar
- a stalk Pandan leaf
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 2-3  cup of water
- 2 tablespoon cornstarch + 4 tablespoon water, dissolve

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588 ml

Make it :

English version
- In Sauce pan, bring water into boiled, then add sliced cassava and pandan leaf.
- Let it cook until cassava tender, then adding coconut milk, a pinch of salt, and sugar.
- Saute gently and adjust the taste with sugar.
- Let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
- Place cornstarch+2 tsp water into a small bowl,  combine and mix together. Then pour it into saucepan. Saute continuously until thick enough.
- If you wish the gravy more thin, you can skip to add cornstarch.
- Let it simmer for another 2 minutes. Remove from the heat.
- Serve warm or cold (put into refrigerate before serve or adding ice cube).

Indonesia version
- Didalam panci, rebus air hingga matang, masukkan singkong dan daun pandan.
- Biarkan masak dan singkok menjadi empuk.
- Masukkan santan, sejumput garam, dan gula. 
- Aduk rata dan cicipi.
- Didalam mangkuk campurkan 2 sdt air + tepung maizena, aduk rata. Kemudian masukkan kedalam panci.  Aduk rata hingga cukup kental.
- Step ini bisa dihilangkan jika menginginkan saus yg lebih encer.
- Biarkan mendidih selama 2 menit. Angkat dari kompor.
- Sajikan hangat atau dingin (masukkan kedalam kulkas atau tambahkan es)

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 20 minutes

Servings : 1-2 persons

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Snow White Cookies ( Kue Kering Putri Salju )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Fatmah Bahalwan modified by Desy

What you need :

- 250 gr butter
- 100 gr confectioners powdered sugar 
- 200 gr cashew, chopped 
- 250 gr all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp vanilla

Garnish :
- confectioners powdered sugar

Make it :

English version
Place butter, vanilla and confectioners powdered sugar into big bowl. Whisk for another 3 minutes until mix well.
- Gradually, add flour and chopped cashew, then knead mixture with wooden spoon until mix well.
- Cover bowl with a plastic and let it rest at refrigerate for another 30 minutes or more.
- Roll out the dough to 44 mm thickness.
- Cut out pastry and shape it with cookie cutter.
- Bake for another 20 minutes used 325 degree F.
- Let it rest for another 3 minutes, then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
- keep it into container.

Indonesia version
- Masukkan mentega dan gula putih kedalam mangkuk besar. Kocok dengan mixer selama 3 menit.
- Masukkan terigu dan kacang mete, uleni adonan dengan menggunakan sendok kayu hingga tercampur rata.
- Tutup mangkuk dengan plastik, simpan kedalam lemari e selama 30 menit atau lebih.
- Tipiskan adonan sekitar 44 mm.
- Potong dan bentuk dengan cetakan kue.
- Oven selama 20 menit dengan menggunakan panas 350 derajat
- Angkat dari oven, biarkan selama 3 menit, taburi dan gulingkan kedalam gula halus.
- Simpan kedalam toples kedap udara :-)

Preparation : 10 minutes

Servings : 850 gr of cookies

Ayam Kecap ( Chicken sauteed with sweet soy sauce )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 2 Chicken Thigh or any part from the chicken 
- 2 clove garlic, thinly sliced
- 1/3 part from 1 big chunk onion, diced 
- 1 stalk green onion, sliced 
- 2 pieces medium size tomato, diced 
- salt and ground white& black pepper for adjust the taste 
- 3 tbsp ABC's Sweet Soy sauce - available at Asian Store 
- 1 tbsp butter
- 100 ml water

Note : 
- If you don't find sweet soy sauce at your place. You can substitute with original soy sauce then add sugar for adjust the taste.
- Adding more if you use soy sauce because sweet soy sauce are more thicken.

Side dishes :
- steamed white rice or potatoes 
- steamed vegetables - i used broccoli

What you need :

English version
- In a hot skillet, saute garlic, onion and tomatoes with butter until fragrant, under low heat.
- Add chicken, saute continuously until chicken are no longer pink.
- Add water, sweet soy sauce, green onion, pepper, and salt, combine and saute continuously.
- Don't add salt to much, because the water will absorbed. You can added a little then adding another 2 minutes before done.
- Let it cook until the water is evaporate and chicken are fully cook. Reduce the heat.
- Serve hot with the side dishes.

Indonesia version
- Didalam wajan panas, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay dengan menggunakan mentega hingga harum dengan menggunakan api kecil.
- Masukkan ayam, tumis hingga warna ayam berubah tidak pucat.
- Masukkan air, kecap manis, bawang daun, merica, garam, aduk rata.
- Jangan menambahkan garam terlalu banyak, karena air akan meresep. Tambahkan sedikit terlebih dahulu kemudian tambahkan lagi 2 menit sebelom diangkat dari kompor .
- Biarkan air meresap dan ayam masak sempurna. Kecilkan api.
- Sajikan hangat bersama pelengkap :-)

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nasi Kuning plus lauk yang gak komplit ( Yellow Rice served with The Side Dishes)

The side dishes for the yellow rice are :
- I made omelets from egg and give a pinch of salt
Stir-Fried Bean Thread cooked with vegetables , i used broccoli as the veggie.

You can adding Potato cooked with coconut milk as another side dish.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe

What you need :

- 1 cup white rice
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 200 ml water 
- 1/3 teaspoon ground turmeric
- 1/3 teaspoon ground galangal or 1 stalk of fresh galangal 
- 1 pieces lemon leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

Note : 1 cup = 236.59 ml

Make it :

English version
- Place and combine ingredients into rice cooker, cooked until done and don't forget to saute continuously for every 3 minutes.
- Serve warm with the side dishes.

Indonesia version
- Masukkan semua bahan kedalam rice cooker, masak hingga matang dan jangan lupa aduk-2 setiap 3 menit.
- Sajikan hangat bersama pelengkap.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 2 portion

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sapo Tahu Ayam ( Chicken Sapo Tofu )

This is one of my favorite Chinese's food to ordered while i has been work at Jakarta. I try to browse over the Internet and found this recipe from Sefa's blog. 

I try substitute the Egg Tofu with Medium Firm Tofu and shrimp with chicken because i remembered at my favorite Chinese's restaurant  at Jakarta, they served Sapo Tahu cooked with chicken, or beef or seafood. 

Also i substitute Button mushroom with Shitake Dried Mushroom and Chinese cabbage with regular cabbage. And  you can substitute also with Bokcoy/baby bokcoy or cauliflower.

Just a tips in here, if you used cabbage, before you dump into soup or mix with food, slice the cabbage into small pieces or cube sliced then fried with sliced garlic.

I got this info from my friend Silvia Yustanti and she is right, with this way will make the cabbage has more flavor.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Sefa recipe modified by d3sy

What you need :

- 2 pcs chicken thigh, cube sliced oe beef or shrimp 
- 14 onz Medium Firm Tofu, sliced for 1x1 cm pieces, then fried until little bit light brown at both side then set aside. 
- a cup Shitake Dried Mushroom 
- 1/3 part from big cabbage, sliced 

Spices Ingredients :
- 4 cloves garlic, minced 
- 1/3 part from big onion, thinly sliced
- 1/3 tsp ground ginger
- 2 stalks green onion, sliced 
- 5 tsp oyster sauce 
- 2 tsp fish sauce
- 250 ml of water
- 1 1/2 tsp sesame oil
- 2 tsp cornstarch + 4 tsp water, place on the bowl then mix 
- oil for saute 
- salt and pepper for taste 

Make it :

English version
- In hot skillet, add little bit of oil for saute garlic and onion until aromatic under low heat or for approx 3 minutes.
- Add chicken and ginger, saute continuously for another 5 minutes or until tender.
- Add fried tofu, green onion, sesame oil, oyster sauce, fish sauce saute continuously for another 1 minutes or until mix well then add water.
- Let it simmer for another 5 minutes then add cabbage, salt and pepper for adjust the taste.
- Add mixing cornstarch+water into soup then saute gently and let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes. and don't forget to taste.
- Remove from the heat. Serve hot with hot sauce (as you wish),  and hot steam rice.

And this picture below are the result hehehe
Indonesia version
- Didalam wajan panas, masukkan sedikit minyak, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
- Masukkan daging ayam dan jahe, tumis hingga ayam hampir empuk.
- Masukkan tahu goreng, bawang daun, minyak wijen, saus ikan, saus tiram, aduk rata dan selama 1 menit kemudian tambahkan air.
- Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit kemudian masukkan kubis/sayuran, garam dan merica bubuk sebagai perasa. Cicipi.
- Angkat dari kompor, sajikan hangat ber
sama saus sambal botol dan nasi hangat ;-)

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons

Puding Mangga ( Mango Pudding )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 1  pack of gelatin/pudding powder 
- 100 ml water
- 250 ml whole milk
- 350 ml mango juice or orange juice
- a pinch of salt
- sugar 
- cube slice mango

Make it :

English version
- Add whole milk, juice and water into a medium saucepan. Cook in medium heat. 
- Bring to a full boil while stirring constantly, Remove from heat.
- Immediately pour contents of packet into the saucepan, dissolve completely.
- Immediately pour mixture into shallow molds let cool.
- Rrefrigerate at least 2 hours or until set. Run small spatula around edge mold to loosen.
- Invert onto a serving dish. 
- Top with 1 tbsp of evaporated milk (as you wish) and slice of fresh mango then serve.

Note : Some of the packet has different step to cooked of packet, so please read and follow instruction behind back of packet. 

Indonesia version
- Didalam panci saus masukkan susu, jus,dan air. Masak dengan api sedang.
- Masak hingga mendidih dan aduk rata, angkat dari api.
- Segera tuang bungkus agar-2 kedalam panci, aduk hingga rata.
- Masukkan kedalam cetakan dan biarkan dingin.
- Masukkan kedalam kulkas selama 2 jam atau hingga padat.
- Sajikan bersama susu cair - jika kurang manis dan sisa potongan mangga

Note : step sebelom adonan diletakkan dalam cetakan sesuaikan dengan masing-2 jenis agar-agar, dan lebih baik sesuaikan dengan aturan/Instruksi pada balik bungkus agar-agar.

Preparation : 15 minutes

Serving : 8 pieces (5x5-cm pieces)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Lumpia Mini ( Mini Fried Spring Roll )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

- 1 pieces chicken thigh, cube sliced 
- 50 gr bean sprout, clean and cut at tail part pieces
- 50 gr carrot, grated
- a stalk green onion, sliced
- 3 cloves shallots or red pearl onion, minced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced 
- salt and sugar for taste
- a pcs jalapeno, seeded, diced - as you wish
- ground white pepper 
- oil for saute and fried

Sauce Ingredients :
- 2 cloves shallots/red pearl onion, minced
- 1 cloves garlic, minced
- 4 pcs big tomatoes, cube sliced 
- salt and sugar for taste 
- 100 ml water
- chili sauce, as you wish - optional
- 1 tsp corn starch+ 1 tbsp of water, place and mixing at the bowl for thickening

Make it :

English version
- In a hot skillet, add little bit of oil for saute garlic and shallot until aromatic or for approx 2 minutes under low heat.
- Add chicken, saute until the color change for another 5 minutes.
- Add carrot, salt, sugar and jalapeno, saute gently for another 2 minutes.
- Add bean sprout, green onion and pepper, saute for another 1 minutes. Let the bean sprout still crunch.
- Don't forget to taste then remove from the heat. Set aside.

- Take a piece wrapper, place a spoon or 1/2 part filled the wrapper, then fold like envelope.
- Use water as a glue for the corner side. Set aside.
- Fried until golden brown on both side.
- For sauce : in a hot saucepan, place tomatoes, garlic and shallots, saute for another 2 minutes.
- Add water, salt and sugar, and chili sauce, don't forget to taste. Let it simmer for another 3 minutes.
- Add mixing cornstarch+water, saute gently, and let it simmer for another 2 minutes.
- Ready to serve with the spring roll ;-)

Indonesia version
- Didalam wajan panas, masukkan sedikit air untuk menumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum dengan menggunakan api sedang.
- Masukkan daging ayam, tumis hingga berubah warna.
- Masukkan wortel, garam, gula dan cabe hijau, tumis selama 2 menit.
- tambahkan kecambah, merica, dan abwang daun, aduk rata dan tumis selama 1 menit, dan biarkan kecambah masih renyah.
- Jangan lupa cicipi, dan angkat dari api.
- Bungkus isi lumpia dengan kulit, gunakan air sebagai lem pada bagian ujung-ujungnya.
- Goreng hingga kecoklatan.
- Untuk saus, didalam panci saus, masukkan tomat, bawang merah dan bawang putih, aduk rata selama 2 menit.
- Tambahkan air, garam, gula dan saus sambal, jangan lupa cicipi, biarkan mendidih selama 3 menit.
- Tambahkan campuran maizena+air, aduk rata dan biarkan mendidih selama 2 menit.
- Sajikan bersama lumpia :-)

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 30 minutes

Servings : 16-18 mini springrolls

Friday, October 10, 2008

Potluck Indonesia's Fried Rice

On last Wednesday, my husband told to me if on next Friday at his office would be another lunch gathering (i been join them a couple times) and he want us bring a food as potluck.
After some food idea come, finally, we decide Indonesia's Fried Rice as potluck ;-)

I started from Thursday afternoon, sliced beef and seasoning with little bit of salt, peeper and sweet soy sauce. Then i chopped garlic and shallots/ red pearl onion.
All i keep on plastic container then place at refrigerator, so tomorrow would be ready to go.

So this morning at 8 am, i cooked rice for the Fried Rice then at 9:30, i made thin omelets as Fried Rice garnish. Then at another wok, i started to cooked the Fried Rice.

I used broccoli as vegetables mix at the Fried Rice.
The recipe for this fried rice you can look at Fried Rice with sausage .

You can substitute beef with chicken or sausage. And any kind vegetables can go with Fried Rice also, but i like to used broccoli flower, because always easy to cooking with broccoli.

I served fried rice with thinly sliced omelet and sliced tomatoes and we bring chili sauce maybe anybody wish more spicy taste ;-)

Note : 
A potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group.