Monday, September 29, 2008

Baso Tahu Modifikasi

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

wonton wrapper - available at regular store like Saveway/Vons
50 gr Tofu, dice sliced or horizontal sliced then make a hole at the center to put the dough 
Steamed cabbage 
Hard Boiled Egg 
Boiled Potato

--Filled Ingredients:
100 gr chicken/mackerel, finely chopped 
100 gr shrimp, finely chopped
2 stalks green onion, sliced rings pieces
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 cloves shallots, minced
3 tbsp tapioca flour 
1 tsp sesame oil
salt and sugar for taste
ground white and black pepper
20 gr shreded carrot

-- Sauce Ingredients, mix together :
4 tbsp peanut butter or 100 gr peanut, finely grinded 
warm water
3 cloves garlic, minced 
salt and sugar for taste

-- Complements Ingredients:
Lemon Lime 
ABC's sweet soy sauce
Chili sauce - if you wish spicy taste 

Make it :

English version
- Combine and mix well filled ingredients into a bowl, then take dough then put into wonton wrapper or tofu. 
- For wonton wrapper, use water to make as a glue on corner of the wrapper.
- I made ball from the dough, so we have various.
- Steamed for another 20-25 minutes or until cook.
- For sauce : in a bowl, mix and combine together sauce ingredients and don't forget to taste.
- While serve, cut all ingredients into small pieces then add sauce and complements ingredients.
- Serve warm.

Indonesia version
- Campurkan bahan isi kedalam mangkuk, kemudian beri isian untuk tahu dan siomay.
- Untuk Siomay, pake air sebagai perekat sisi-2nya.
- Aku buat bola-2 bakso juga dari adonan, jd ada banyak variasi.
- Rebus selama 20-25 menit atau hingga matang.
- Untuk saus : campurkan semua bahan saus, cicipi.
- Untuk penyajian, potong kecil-2 semua bahan kemudian beri saus dan bahan pelengkap :-)
- Sajikan hangat.

Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Servings : 2-3 persons (20 pieces)

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