Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gado Gado (Indonesia Salad Mix and served with Peanut Sauce)

This is one of Indonesia's traditional food and you can find at Asian store for some ingredients.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

What you need :

-- Sauce Ingredients :
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped (4 siung bawang putih, haluskan)
2 tsp sambal oeleg or 2 pcs Thai chili pepper - as you wish (2 buah cabe rawit, haluskan)
4 tbsp peanut butter (4 sdm kacang goreng giling)
2 tbsp sugar cane or brown sugar - adding more as you wish (2 sdm gula merah, atau tambahkan jika kurang manis)
1/2 cup coconut milk (1/2 cup santan kental)
salt and white sugar for adjust the taste (garam dan gula putih sebagai perasa)
oil or butter for saute (minyak untuk menumis)

-- Complements Ingredients :
lettuce, sliced (kol hijau)
2 pcs egg, hard cooked then sliced (2 buah telur, rebus)
1 pcs potato, hard cooked, peeled then sliced (1 buah kentang, rebus)
2 cup broccoli, steamed (2 cup brokoli, rebus)
2 cup carrot, steamed (2 cup wortel, rebus)
shrimp crackers sweet padi oat crackers (emping melinjo)
Tofu, sliced into 0.5x1 cm pieces, then fried until golden brown at both side. (Tahu putih, iris, goreng)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

English version
- In a medium saucepan, saute garlic and chili with oil/butter under low heat in approx 5 min.
- Add peanut butter, brown sugar, and coconut milk, stirring occasionally until sauce dissolve and tick enough in approx 20 min.
- Add salt and white sugar for adjust the taste.
- Sauce are ready to serve on top of the complement ingredients.

Indonesian version
1. Tumis bawang putih dan cabe dengan menggunakan minyak hingga harum. 
2. Masukkan kacang goreng giling dan gula merah, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan santan, aduk rata secara perlahan.
4. Cicipi dan tambahkan garam dan gula.
5. Aduk saus secara perlahan hingga mengental dan bumbu meresap.
6. Sajikan dengan bahan pelengkap.

Preparations Time : 30 min
Cooking Time : 20 min

Servings : 2-3 persons

1 comment:

  1. mmmm, i would like that somebody cook me to dishes like this one, looks tasty:)
