Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crepes Normande - Apple in a crepe ( Crepe isi apel )

Crepes Normande is like apple in a crepe. It is a quick dessert to fix. 
You can top it with whipped cream or ice cream, or maybe drizzled with a little caramel syrup.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : The Prepared Pantry modified by Desy

The crepes ingredients :
-  1 cup all purpose flour (1 cup tepung terigu)
- 1 1/2 cups milk (1 1/2 cup susu cair)
- 2 large eggs (2 buah telur ukuran besar)
- 3 tablespoons granulated sugar (3 sdm gula putih)
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (1 sdm minyak)
- 1 pinch salt (1 cubitan garam)
- 1/4 teaspoon vanila extract (1/4 sdt vanila cair)
- 2 teaspoon chocolate cake powder - as you wish, or you can skip (2 sdt coklat bubuk - sesuai selera atau bisa dihilangkan)

The Filling Ingredients :
- 5 piece big apples, diced (5 buah apple ukuran besar, potong dadu)
- 3 tablespoon butter (3 sdm mentega)
- 3 tablespoon sugar (3 sdm gula putih)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk)
- powdered sugar for topping (gula halus untuk topping)

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Directions for the crepes :

English version
- Sift the flour and chocolate powder into a medium bowl. 
- In a small bowl, whisk together the milk, sugar, vegetable oil, salt and vanilla extract.
- Add to the flour+chocolate flour and whip to a smooth batter.
- Heat the crepe pan or omelet pan on medium high heat. Brush with butter.
- Measure of batter into the hot pan. Immediately tilt and rotate the pan so that the batter covers the bottom of the pan in a thin layer.
- Cook until bubbles appear and the bottom of the crepe is a nice eve, golden brown.
- Sturdy spatula to turn the crepe. Cook the second side only it is a blonde color, mot as dark as the first side.
- Remove the crepe to a sheet of parchment paper or waxed paper and repeat with the rest of batter.

Directions for filling :

- Saute the apples in the butter until almost tender. 
- Stir in the sugar and cinnamon and cook until the apples are tender and the sugar crystals have dissolved.
- Fill the crepes and fold as desired. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Indonesia  version
Untuk kulit
- Didalam mangkuk, kocok telur, vanila, gula, minyak, garam, susu cair. 
- Campurkan bersama terigu, aduk rata dan hingga adonan halus.
- Panaskan wajan omelet atau crepes dengan menggunakan api sedang. Olesi sedikit mentega.
- Takar adonan kemudian tuang kedalam wajan, segera putar hingga membentuk lingkaran penuh.
- Biarkan masak hingga coklat keemasan.
- Dengan spatula, putar bagian lain crepes dan biarkan hingga cukup kekuningan.
- Angkat dan teruskan hingga adonan habis.

Untuk bahan isian
- Tumis apel bersama mentega hingga apel hampir empuk.
- Masukkan gula dan kayu manis, aduk rata dan masak hingga gula mengental dan saus meresap.
- Isi crepes dan gulung. Beri taburan gula halus diatas crepe.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 minutes

Servings : 15 pieces

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