Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chewy Chocolate Cookies - Gluten Free

While I was online at Facebook, I've seen one of my friends posted this recipe and gave us the link. I though that this is an interesting cookie and I think easy to try.

That's true. This is great cookie. I love it. The cookie's tasty. I will make it in another time.
I tried to make it just 1/4 recipe, and I think it served around 10 pieces.

I tried using Gluten Free flour instead of regular flour, because my husband couldn't eat any wheat flour.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : modified by me

What you need :

- 1 1/4 cups butter,softened
- 2 cups white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Make it :

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Then stir in the vanilla.
3. Sift together the flour, cocoa, baling soda and salt, stir into the creamed mixture.
4. Mix the chocolate chips. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.
5. Bake 8 to 9 minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will be soft. Cool slightly on cookie sheet, remove from sheet onto wire rack to cool completely.

Indonesia version :

1. Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 350 derajat F atau 175 derajat C.
2. Didalam mangkuk besar, kocok mentega dan gula hingga agak mengembang. Kemudian masukkan telur satu persatu dan kocong dengan menggunakan mixer. Masukkan vanila dan kocok kembali.
3. Campurkan tepung terigu, coklat bubuk,soda kue, dan garam, campurkan kedalam bahan yg sudah di mixer diatas.
4. Campurkan coklat chips. Taruh adunan diatas kertas kue, ambil satu sendok penuh untuk 1 buah kue.
5.  Oven selama 8-9 menit. Biarkan hingga dingin sebelom disajikan dan disimpan dalam wadah.

Preparation : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 10 minutes

Servings : 4 dozen or 48 servings

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hominy, Vegetables, Wild Rice and Chicken Soup

This is my first time to cook the hominy. I bought a small can of hominy at Mexican store in our town. You can buy them at regular store and I think they're available at Costco.

Actually, I have no idea what is hominy, even my husband tried to explain to me.  When I opened the can then I tried to eat a piece, hmm it's taste like corn, I know it's a corn but the taste is mild than fresh or sliced corn on the can.

So, I decided to cook as one of the ingredients on the soup, and it's turn out so good. 

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my own creation

What you need :

- 1 piece chicken thigh, cut into small piece and don't throw away the bone
- 1 can Hominy, drain the water
- 2 cup of water
- 1 cup diced carrot
- 1/3 cup cooked wild rice or 1/3 cup uncooked rice
- 1 stalk green onion, thinly slice
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 cup diced onion
- 1 piece tomato, dice
- 1/2 cup sweet peas
- salt
- ground white and black pepper
- ground nutmeg

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. Bring water into boil. Then add chicken include the chicken's bone. Let's cook for 10 minutes.
2. Add wild rice, hominy, garlic, onion and carrot. Stir and let cook until carrots crisp.
3. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Don't forget to taste it.
4. Add green onion and sweet peas. Let simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the chicken's bone from the soup.
5. Place into prepared bowl and serve hot.

Indonesia version :

1. Masak air hingga mendidih. Masukkan ayam beserta tulangnya. Masak selama 10 menit.
2. Masukkan wild rice, bawang putih, hominy, bawang bombay, dan wortel. Aduk dan masak hingga wortel ahmpir lunak.
3. Tambahkan garam, merica dan pala. Jangan lupa cicipi.
4. Masukkan bawang daun, dan kacang polong. Masak hingga mendidih selama 5 menit. Keluarkan tulang ayam dari sup.
5. Sajikan didalam mangkuk dan sajikan hangat.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Friday, May 15, 2009

Homemade Tomato and Chili Sauce (Sambal Tomat)

I have a few tomatoes in refrigerate, I cooked them  a piece everyday. We got a good deal in an little store along Guadalupe while we was driving from Pismo Beach then used the back street.

If my mom cooked this, she used a tool to grind the spices and the tomato. But I didn't found in here, actually I found one at Asian Store in Santa Barbara but the price is too much.
So this time I chopped all the ingredients with chopper.

The serving suggestion is any steamed vegetables or salad mix, with or without steamed rice, and fried/bake chicken.

How about the taste? The taste is little bit spicy (depends on how much chili did you put), tangy and sweet.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my family recipe modified by me

What you need :

- 1 big piece tomato, diced
- 2 cloves shallots
- 1 cloves garlic
- 1/3 teaspoon shrimp paste
- 2 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon tamarind paste
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon crushed chili or sambal oeleg
- 2 tablespoon lime/lemon juice

Make it :

1. Chop into paste : tomato, crushed chili, garlic, shallots, shrimp paste, tamarind paste.
2. In a hot wok, add the paste, saute gently then add, brown sugar, salt.
3. Let cook until water are dissolved. Stop the cooking process.
4. Place into prepared bowl, then add lime juice, mix it. Serve with the vegetables.

Preparation : 2 minutes
Cooking : 6 minutes

Servings : 1 cups ( 2- servings)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ridged Gourd or Luffa Soup with chicken meatballs (Sup Oyong/Gambas plus bola-bola daging ayam)

Yesterday afternoon my husband and I went to Philippine Store in our city. I run out shallots and fried shallots, so I have to buy them. When I walked into vegetables section, I found this fruit. In Indonesia we called with Oyong or Gambas and commonly known as ridged gourd.

This fruit is grown and eaten  as a vegetable and very common in Asia and Africa.
More detail and picture about this fruit, you can read from this link :

My grandmother and my mom cooked this for me while I was young. I want ask my mom about the spices but I remember if right now is midnight in Indonesia. Maybe next time, I'll cook with original recipe from my family after I ask her.

I found this recipe from Herty Kitchen. I reducing and adding ingredients from the original recipe. I substitute shrimps with chicken and also I added sliced tofu.

How about the taste? This soup has sweet taste, little bit kick taste from black pepper and tasty for sure.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Herti Kitchen modified by me

What you need :

- 2 pieces medium size Ridged Gourd, peel of the jacket then slice
- 1 cup sliced medium firm Tofu
- 1 stalk green onion, sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, thinly slice
- 1 spoonful oyster sauce
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil + 1 tablespoon sesame oil, for saute
- 2 cup water
- 1 piece chicken thigh, chopped the meat part, and set aside the bone for the broth
- 2 teaspoon tapioca flour
- 1/2 cup shredded carrot
- salt
- sugar
- ground white and black pepper
- fried shallots for garnish.

Make it :

1. Combine chopped chicken, tapioca flour, shredded carrots 1/3 tsp salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly in a bowl. Shape in to 1/2-inches balls. Repeat until the dough is finish. Set aside.
2. In a wok, saute garlic with oil and sesame oil for 3 minutes. Set aside.
3. Meanwhile, in a pan, bring water into boil. Add chicken bone. Let shimmer for 5 minutes.
4. In a hot boiled soup, add sauteed garlic, then add one by one the chicken balls. Let shimmer for about 5 minutes. 
5. Add oyster sauce, tofu, sugar, salt and pepper. Don't forget to taste. Let shimmer for 5 minutes. Remove the chicken bone from the soup.
6. Add cut ridged gourd and sliced green onion in the soup. Let shimmer then turn of the heat. 
7. Place into prepared dish, serve warm with steamed rice and garnish with fried shallots. Enjoy.

Indonesia version :
1. Campurkan daging ayam cincang, parutan wortel, tepung kanji, 1/3 sdt garam dan gula. Aduk rata. Bentuk bulatan sesuai selera. Ualng hingga adonan habis. Sisihkan.
2. Tumis bawang putih dengan menggunakan minyak+ minyak wijen  hingga harum. Sisihkan.
3. Sementara itu, didalam panci, rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan tulang ayam dan rebus selama 5 menit.
4. Didalam kuah yg mendidih, masukkan tumisan bawang putih, masukkan satu persatu bola daging. Biarkan hingga kuah mendidih selama 5 menit.
5. Masukkan saus tiram, garam, gula, potongan tahu dan merica bubuk. Jangan lupa cicipi. Buang tulang ayam dari sup.
6. Masukkan irisan bawang daun dan oyong/gambas. Rebus sebentar hingga mendidih. Matikan api.
7. Sajikan didalam mangkuk, bersama nasi putih dan beri bawang daun diatas sup. Sajikan.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

Friday, May 8, 2009

Onde-Onde Imut ( Indonesia Mini Fried Sweet Sticky Rice Ball filled with Mung Beans)

I will introduce you to one of Indonesia traditional snacks.

This is one of my favorite snacks since I was young. It's easy to find at Indonesia. The vendor always sell this snack in front of the residential in every afternoon.

How about the taste ? This snack is chewy at the outside and sweet taste at inside.

This time I made a small size, so I don't feel if I was eat a few of it. Oppss! hehehe

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina Magazine modified by me

What you need :

- oil for fried
- 250 gram sesame seed
Skin Ingredients :

- 250 gram sweet sticky rice
- 25 gram rice flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 25 gram sugar, I substitute with brown sugar
- 200 ml of warm water

Filled Ingredients :
- 250 gram mung beans, skinless, let soak in water for about 1 hour
- 500 ml water
- 175 gram sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

Make it :

1. Filled : In a pot, combine filled ingredients. Stir occasionally. Cook until water evaporated. Set aside.
2. Skin : Combine all ingredients except water in a bowl. Add water little bit while you was mixing the dough. 
3. Take a 2 teaspoon the dough in your hand. Press until you got thin and circle part. In the middle, add 1/2 teaspoon filled. Then cover filled with dough.
4. Put sesame seed into a plate. Rolling the ball into sesame seed, until it covers. Repeat until the dough is finish.
5. In a warm oil, fried the ball until golden brown. Remove from oil then serve.

Indonesia version :

1. Isi : Kukus kacang hijau selama 25 menit hingga lunak. Angkat.
Masak kembali kacang hijau bersama air, gula, garam, air dan daun pandan, hingga air terserap. Sisihkan.
2. Kulit : Campurkan ketan putih, tepung beras, garam, gula, aduk rata. Tuangkan air sedikit demi sedikit, sambil aduk terus hingga kalis dan dapat dipulung.
3. Ambil 2 sdt adonan kulit, tekan-2 di telapak tangan hingga membentuk cekungan. Ambl 1/2 sdt isian, letakkan ditengah kulit, tutup dan bulatkan kembali.
4. Gulingkan adonan pada wijen hingga perukaan tertutup rata.
5. Panaskan minyak, goreng onde-onde dengan api kecil hingga kekuningan dan angkat. Sajikan.

Preparation : 20 minutes
Cooking : 20 minutes

Servings : 40 pieces (The ball diameter is 2 inches)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chicken, Vegetables and Wild Rice Soup

Sometimes we bought soup can from grocery store. This time I decided to make my own style one-dish meal.

I used cooked wild rice because this rice needs a little bit longer time to cook. You can substitute with other type of rice, and you can cook together with chicken while you was making the broth.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my own creation

What you need :

- 1 piece chicken thigh, cut into small piece and don't throw away the bone
- 2 cup of water
- 1 cup diced carrot
- 1/3 cup cooked wild rice or 1/3 cup uncooked rice
- 1 stalk green onion, thinly slice
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 cup diced onion
- 1 piece tomato, dice
- 1/2 cup sweet peas
- salt
- ground white and black pepper
- ground nutmeg

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. Bring water into boil. Then add chicken include the chicken's bone. Let's cook for 10 minutes.
2. Add wild rice, garlic, onion and carrot. Stir and let cook until carrots crisp.
3. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Don't forget to taste it.
4. Add green onion and sweet peas. Let simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the chicken's bone from the soup.
5. Place into prepared bowl and serve hot.

Indonesia version :

1. Masak air hingga mendidih. Masukkan ayam beserta tulangnya. Masak selama 10 menit.
2. Masukkan wild rice, bawang putih, bawang bombay, dan wortel. Aduk dan masak hingga wortel ahmpir lunak.
3. Tambahkan garam, merica dan pala. Jangan lupa cicipi.
4. Masukkan bawang daun, dan kacang polong. Masak hingga mendidih selama 5 menit. Keluarkan tulang ayam dari sup.
5. Sajikan didalam mangkuk dan sajikan hangat.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings