Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easy Chicken Parmesan Pasta

This recipe's idea got from my friend, Nanik. I told to her about I want cooking pasta, and she gave my this idea. 

This food is delicious and also easy and quick from preparation until the cooking process.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Nanik Teeple-Iowa modified by me

What you need :

- Pasta Noodles, cooked until al dente, I used Gluten Free Pasta (Pasta, rebus)
- 1 cup Pasta Sauce, your favorite taste (1 cup Pasta botolan, rasa sesuai selera)
- Parmesan cheese for garnish (Keju parmesan untuk penyajian)
- Mozarella cheese (Keju Mozarella)

Chicken Parmesan ingredients :
- 2 chicken breast (2 buah dada ayam, iris hingga daging agak tipis)
- 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs (1/2 cup tepung roti yang susah berbumbu)
- 1 egg (1 buah telur)
- a pinch of salt (1 cubitan garam)
- 1 teaspoon dried basil (1 sdt daun basil kering)
- ground pepper (merica bubuk)
1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. In a small bowl, poach an egg with a pinch of salt, beat with fork. In a plate, put and mix bread crumbs, ground pepper, and dried basil.
2. First, both sides of the chicken covers with egg+salt, then cover with mixed bread crumbs. Set aside.
3. Fried the chicken with little bit of oil until golden brown at both sides.
4. Preheat oven 325-350 degrees F. In prepared baking dish, add 1/2 cup pasta sauce, then top with fried chicken and cheese. Bake until cheese is melt.
5. Meanwhile, preheat 1/2 cup of pasta sauce in a sauce pan until simmer.
6. Place in prepared dish, pasta, then top with chicken + sauce + cheese. If you desire, you can add more with warm pasta sauce. Garnish with Parmesan cheese. Enjoy.

Indonesia version

Cara membuat :

1. Didalam mangkuk kecil, pecahkan telur, tambahkan garam, dan kocok dengan garpu. 
Didalam piring, campurkan tepung roti berbumbu, merica bubuk dan daun basil, campurkan hingga rata.
2. Celupkan daging ayam dengan campuran telur+garam, kemudian gulingkan kedalam tepung roti, hingga kedua sisi merata. Sisihkan.
3. Goreng ayam dengan sedikit minyak, hingga kedua sisinya agak kecoklatan.
4. Panaskan oven sekitar 170 derajat C. Didalam panci utk mengoven, oleskan 1/2 cup saus pasta, letakkan daging ayam diatasnya,
kemudian taburi dengan keju mozarella. Oven hingga keju meleleh, atau sekitar 10 menit.
5. Didalam panci keicl, hangatkan sisa saus pasta.
6. Didalam piring, letakkan pasta, kemudian ayam dan saus yg dioven, dan saus pasta yg dihangatkan. Taburi dengan keju parmesan. Sajikan.

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

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