Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fried Tofu with Chicken Filled ( Bakso Tahu Goreng )

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : Femina's Magazine modified Desy

What you need :

--Tofu Ingredients :
150 gr Medium Soft Tofu (Tahu putih)
50 gr chicken thigh, finely pounded (dada ayam, cincang)
1 tsp salt (garam)
1/2 tbsp ground white pepper (merica bubuk)
1 tsp sesame oil (minyak wijen)
a stalk green onion, sliced thinly (1 buah bawang daun)
2 tsp tapioca flour (tepung kanji)
2 pcs eggs and take the white part only (putih telur dari 2 butir telur)
oil for fried - i used peanut oil (minyak untuk menggoreng)

--Skin Ingredients :
5 tsp all purpose flour (5 sendok tepung terigu)
100 ml water (100 ml air)

--Sauce Ingredients (mix together):
100 ml warm water
salt an sugar for taste
2 pcs Thai Chili, pounded
3 tsp peanut butter
3 cloves garlic, minced

--Soup Ingredients :
2 cup chicken stock (kaldu ayam)
bokcoy (sawi hijau)
2 cloves garlic, sliced thinly (bawang putih, iris tipis)
1/4 pcs onion, sliced (bawang bombay, iris)
fish sauce (minyak ikan)

--Complement Ingredients :
Lemon Lime (jeruk nipis)
Sweet Soy Sauce - i used ABC Indonesia's Brand (kecap manis ABC)
Chilli sauce - if you wish spicy taste (sambal botol)

Make it :

 English Version
1. Sliced tofu then make a hole in the center. Put aside.
2. Combine tofu ingredients in a bowl, stir it then filled into center of the tofu with teaspoon.
3. Steamed for another 10-15 minutes.
4. Cover every single tofu with white egg then wrap with Skin ingredients then fried on a hot oil until golden brown. Set aside.
5. Soup direction : Bring into boiled chicken stock, then add garlic and onion, let it simmer for another 5 minute.
6. Add salt, pepper and fish sauce then add bokcoy. And let it simmer for another minutes.
7. Turn of the heat and serve with fried tofu and sauce and complement.

Note : add complement into sauce.

 Indonesia Version
1. Iris tahu, buat lubang ditengah. Sisihkan.
2. Kombinasikan bahan-2 tahu, aduk rata, isi tahu dengan menggunakan sendok kecil.
3. Kukus tahu selama 10-15 menit. 
4. Lumuri tahu dengan putih telur kemudian bungkus dnegan campuran kulit, kemudian goreng hingga matang dan kecoklatan.Sisihkan.
5. Memasak Sup : rebus kaldu ayam hingga mendidih,tambahkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay. Biarkan mendidih selama 5 menit.
6. Tambahkan saus ikan, garam dan merica bubuk kemudian sawi. Biarkan mendidih selama 1 menit.
7. Matikan api kemduain sajikan soup bersama Baso Tahu Goreng plus sauce.

Note : bahan pelengkap campurkan kedalam saus kacang.

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Servings : 2 persons

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