Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chicken, Vegetables and Wild Rice Soup

Sometimes we bought soup can from grocery store. This time I decided to make my own style one-dish meal.

I used cooked wild rice because this rice needs a little bit longer time to cook. You can substitute with other type of rice, and you can cook together with chicken while you was making the broth.

Here, I will share the recipe with you and maybe give you some ideas.

Please don't hesitate to drop me any comments or questions regarding this recipe, I need it to improve my cooking in the future. Thank you :-)

Source : my own creation

What you need :

- 1 piece chicken thigh, cut into small piece and don't throw away the bone
- 2 cup of water
- 1 cup diced carrot
- 1/3 cup cooked wild rice or 1/3 cup uncooked rice
- 1 stalk green onion, thinly slice
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 cup diced onion
- 1 piece tomato, dice
- 1/2 cup sweet peas
- salt
- ground white and black pepper
- ground nutmeg

Note : 1 US cup = 236.588237 ml

Make it :

1. Bring water into boil. Then add chicken include the chicken's bone. Let's cook for 10 minutes.
2. Add wild rice, garlic, onion and carrot. Stir and let cook until carrots crisp.
3. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Don't forget to taste it.
4. Add green onion and sweet peas. Let simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the chicken's bone from the soup.
5. Place into prepared bowl and serve hot.

Indonesia version :

1. Masak air hingga mendidih. Masukkan ayam beserta tulangnya. Masak selama 10 menit.
2. Masukkan wild rice, bawang putih, bawang bombay, dan wortel. Aduk dan masak hingga wortel ahmpir lunak.
3. Tambahkan garam, merica dan pala. Jangan lupa cicipi.
4. Masukkan bawang daun, dan kacang polong. Masak hingga mendidih selama 5 menit. Keluarkan tulang ayam dari sup.
5. Sajikan didalam mangkuk dan sajikan hangat.

Preparation : 5 minutes
Cooking : 25 minutes

Servings : 2 servings

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